‘Earth, Sky and Water – A Journey’ Galerie Dusseldorf, Perth, WA 2011

“Art to me is an anecdote of the spirit, and the only means of making concrete the purpose of its varied quickness and stillness.

” Mark Rothko

“Through return to simple living comes control of desires. In control of desires stillness is attained. In stillness the world is restored.” 
Lao Tzu

Jill Kempson’s new exhibition represents a body of recent works spanning a three-year period 2008– 2011.

The journey begins in Norfolk, England, perched next to a spring fed lake and surrounded by rustling reeds, wild water birds and magnificant19thcentury landscaped arboretum of trees from all across the globe. Kempson has observed the myriad effects of light and its reflections in her series of works about Framingham Chase, a property owned by James Colman and his family.

Jill also visited the more formal, manicured and eccentric English gardens of Norwich-‘Time Past, Time Present, Time Future’ and ‘In the Garden’ while experiencing the timelessness of a wild English meadowland of Matt and Jane Colman- ‘When a Cloud Passed’

Completing the journey, depicting Earth, Sky and Water, is the brooding drama of the skies above Lago Maggiore, Italy.

‘Journey- Lago Maggiore’ and ‘Mountains- Lago Maggiore’

Many thanks go to Michelle Lamont of Norwich, without her kind assistance this project would have remained just as another

Jill Kempson 2012

Photography by Pascal Veydradier